About the job

When we ask our carriers what the best thing about the job is, they answer among other things:

  • I can decide how I plan my work day – it is freedom with responsibility. The job gives a lot of fresh air and great exercise.
  • It is easy to start the job – the only thing it takes is a short period of training. However, it is still possible getting better at the job.
  • It does not require extensive linguistic skills – I just need to make myself understandable and be able to read the Latin alphabet. I have flexible working hours, which can be placed on different days of the week as agreed with my employer.
  • Often it is possible to get routes in my neighborhood, so work is close to home. I get many great colleagues, who I meet at the depot and on the routes.
  • I work under orderly conditions including contractual payment, pension and holiday allowance.


Dagbladenes Distributionsnet

Dagbladenes Distributionsnet is a solid cooperation between daily press owned distribution companies from north to south – east to west: Amongst others, dao|Bladkompagniet.

We employ 4.000 people all across Denmark. We cover the entire network of Danish retailers consisting of more than  5.000 retailers. We have a nationwide distribution and offer deliveries to all Danish postal addresses every day – 365 days a year.

We deliver before the customers wake up in the morning – and before retailers open. We deliver on time – and all the way into the letterbox.