7100-7323 – Vejle – DAO

Se gerne vores video om, hvordan det er at være bud ved DAO: https://youtu.be/LHQU4z0_f6o


Vi tilbyder et godt og varieret job som omdeler. Du skal omdele aviser, magasiner, breve og små pakker på el-scooter. Du skal arbejde om natten. Du begynder på distributionscentret med selv at pakke dine produkter i taskerne. På distributionscentret møder du også dine kollegaer, der gør klar til at køre ud på deres rute.

Vi tilbyder deltids ansættelse (ca. 25 timer) under overenskomst til ansøgere over 18 år.

Du skal levere til mange forskellige adresser i løbet af natten. Du skal derfor kunne læse og forstå danske adresser og husnumre. Du skal være grundig og samvittighedsfuld, fordi det er vigtigt, at alle modtager de rigtige produkter på deres adresse. Derfor søger vi efter modne og selvstændige omdelere.

Jobbet giver frisk luft og masser af motion – og gode kollegaer. Hvis du ikke er i god form, når du starter, så bliver du det hurtigt. Vi sørger for at lære dig op, så du kommer hurtigt og nemt i gang. Du skal arbejde i al slags vejr, så du modtager også firmabeklædning. Du skal være forberedt på, at der også skal arbejdes på helligdage og i højtiderne.

Du skal arbejde efter Postloven. Det betyder bl.a., at al posten skal behandles professionelt, konfidentielt og leveres med høj kvalitet til den korrekte modtager – til tiden.

Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig.



Carrier jobs available

We offer a good and varied job at approximately 25 hours a week. You must distribute/deliver newspapers, magazines, letters and small packages on our electrical scooters. You must work at night.

You start at the distributioncenter where you do your pre-round preparation. At the distributioncenter you also meet your colleagues – who are doing their pre-round preparation – getting ready to drive on their round.


We offer you:

A work day that varies, where you schedule the work yourself

  • Workhours between 03.00 and 07.00 AM
  • Distribution of mail, newspapers and magazines
  • Routes in your local neighborhood
  • Few language requirements – you must be able to read and understand Danish addresses and house numbers
  • Thorough training by experienced colleague
  • Lots of fresh air and exercise
  • A great sense of community with the colleagues
  • 3F’s union agreement with DMA

We expect

  • You do your job professionally and quality-consciously
  • You are responsible and conscientious
  • You can work through all kinds of weather at night
  • You are a great colleague
  • That you are over 18
  • That you have a drivers license category B


The job gives fresh air and lots of exercise – and good colleagues. If you’re not in good shape when you start, you’ll be in shape quickly. We make sure you get trained, so you can start quickly and easily with success.

You have to work in any weather, so you also receive company clothing. You must be prepared to work on holidays as well as in the weekends.

You must be thorough and conscientious because it is important that everyone receives the correct mail at their address. That is why we are looking for mature and independent distributors.

You must work in accordance with the Postal law/Act. This means, among other things, that all the mail must be treated professionally, confidentially and delivered with the highest quality to the correct recipient – on time.

We are looking forward to hear from you.



Rute (by/bydel)

Antal timer pr. uge


Antal dage pr. uge



03:00 - 07:00





Rute placering